
The orthodox health service in the Region is organised in a four-tier system: Regional, District, Sub-District and Community levels. The Regional Health Directorate is responsible 7 for the overall health service planning, organisation, monitoring, supervision, evaluation and provision of technical support to Districts. The Regional Hospital located at Bolgatanga, is the second level referral centre in the Region.


There are four District hospitals which provide first level referral services. These are Sandema, the War Memorial Hospital (Navrongo), Zebilla and Bawku Presbyterian Hospital. The Bongo Health Centre is in the process of being upgraded into a District hospital. There are 26 health centres and 36 clinics. There are also maternity homes and nine dressing centres. The Region has three Midwifery Schools and one State Registered Nursing Training School. Navrongo also has a Health Research Centre.



Date Created : 11/30/2017 5:38:02 AM