Cultural Heritage


The region consists mainly of Akans (Fantis) who constitute 81.7 percent of the population. The other ethnic groups in the Region are Ewes (6.2%) and Guans (5.3%). In six districts,Akans make up over 90 percent; the highest proportions are in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa (98.4%) and Gomoa West (97.4%). Two districts need special mention regarding their ethnic composition. Ewutu-Effutu is the language spoken by the indigenous people of Awutu, Senya, and Winneba.

The Effutus are Guans therefore in Effutu district, the largest ethnic group is the Guan who constitutes 58.5 percent of the population. Similarly, in Ewutu Senya, 28.5 percent are Guans and 17.4 percent are Ewes. The sizeable Ewe community in Effutu-Senya may be linked with fishing. About one in ten persons in Agona East (10.0%) and Assin North Municipal (10.2%) are Ewes. In the farming districts, there are Ewes, Ga Adangbes and other ethnic groups from the north who are engaged in agricultural work in cocoa and oil palm plantations.


The Christian religion is categorized into four: Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal-Charismatic and other Christians. At the regional level the largest religious group is the Pentecostal-Charismatic who constitute 29.8 percent of the population. The Protestants represent 21.0 percent and the Catholics 11.1 percent. Other Christian groups constitute 21.4percent of the population. Muslims are 8.6 percent of the population in Central region. About seven percent of the population (6.6%) have no religion.

Although the size of the proportions vary, the pattern at the regional level is replicated across the districts. In all the districts, except Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam, the largest religious group is the Pentecostal-Charismatic group. In six districts, Pentecostal-Charismatics form about one-third of the population. These are Ewutu Senya (36.1%), Agona West (35.5%), Effutu (34.1%), Gomoa East (34.0%), Assin South (32.3%) and Twifo-Hemang-Lower Denkyira (32.0%). Some districts in Central region are noted for the existence of Pentecostal healing and deliverance prayer camps.

The districts with a long history of contact with the Europeans have a high proportion of Catholics and Protestants. The three districts with the largest proportions of Protestants are Cape Coast (28.3%), Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam (27.0%) and Mfantsiman (25.1%). The districts with the largest proportion of Catholics are Komenda-Edina-EguafoAbirem (18.2%), Cape Coast (17.8%) and Upper Denkyira West (16.4%). The higher concentrations of Catholics and Protestants in Cape Coast, Mfantsiman and Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem may be attributed to the early contact with missonaries. Across districts, the largest proportions of Muslims are found in Ewutu Senya (13.5%), Upper Denkyira East (10.9%) and Gomoa East (10.7%).


Central Region is steeped in history. There are castles and other monuments that attract tourists and other travellers who wish to discover the historical links between Africa and the Americasand Europe originating from the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This region is known as "the heartbeat of Ghana tourism" because of its pivotal role in the development of tourism in the country, and its wealth of beaches, forts and castles and festivals. The main dish of the costal part of Central Region is "dorkunu" or kenkey with fish and gravy.

The coastline is famous for its ancient forts and castles built by early European traders, and three of them, two at Elmina and St. Jago and one in Cape Coast have been identified as World Heritage Monuments by the World heritage Foundation under UNESCO. The Region is also famous for its palm-fringed beaches, fascinating fishing villages and historic towns, and rich natural attractions. Kakum National Park, just 30 kilometres north of Cape Coast, is the foremost nature reserve in Southern Ghana.

 Almost untouched virgin rainforest has been preserved as a habitat for birds, butterflies and rare local animals. It has excellent walking tours (and a canopy walkway) through the forest. The other popular tourist attraction in the region is the Elmina Castle. Built in 1482, it is said to be the oldest European-built structure in black Africa and is rated as one of the World’s Heritage Sites. It was built by the Portuguese strategically located for their trading.

 Traditional Fishing and craft Villages and Towns

Along the coast of the Central Region is a succession of busy fishing villages and traditional market towns that reflect the distinct cultures of the region. Of particular interest are Winneba,famous for its fishing fleet, masquerade festival and local ceramics and Mankessim well known for its busy market. The villages of the Central Region are famed for their traditional crafts. They all make great souvenirs for tourists to the Central Region. Particularly important villages are: Winneba - beautiful and unusual ceramics; Gomoa-Otsew-Jukwa - village of pottery makers and Bobikuma - rattan products.

Attractions in the Central Region


The castles along the coast of the Central Region are amongst the best preserved in Ghana. Not to be missed are Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Castle And Fort St Jago.

Kakum National Park

A 357km² national park comprising undisturbed virgin rainforest. Excellent walking tours (and a canopy walkway) through the forest provide the opportunity to see much of Ghana’s indigenous plant life, as well as rare butterflies, birds and game (that could include the extraordinary Bongo and forest elephant).

The Beaches of the Central Region

Beaches lovers will enjoy our palm-fringed beaches, warmed by African sunshine, where surf ranges from 
gentle rollers to sizeable breakers.

Traditional Fishing Villages

Along the coast of the Central Region are a succession of busy fishing villages and traditional market town that reflect the distinct cultures of the district. Visitors to all the village will be welcomed with traditional Ghanaian hospitality.

Craft Village

The villagers of the central region are famed for their traditional crafts that are still worked as their forefathers have worked for generations. They all make great souvenirs of your visit to the central region.

Festivals and Events

Aboakye Festival

The festival is a celebration to mark the migration of these people from the ancient Western Sudan Empire where they were led by 2 brothers and a god called Otu. Upon consulting their god, they were instructed by their traditional priest or mediator between the people and the god to sacrifice a young member of the Royal family every year to their god.

Masquerading Festival

It started around the 1920’s and is celebrated on the 1st of January every year and draws large crowds from all over.

Edina Bronya

This festival is a novel Christmas introduced to the people of Elmina during the Dutch era of the colonial period. The period coincides with the Dutch Festival which falls on the first Thursday of January every year and marked in Elmina to signify the bond of friendship between the Dutch and the people of Elmina.

Edina Bakatue Festival

Literally translated means “The opening of the Lagoon” or the Draining of the Lagoon”. It is celebrated to commemorate the founding of the town, Elmina by the Europeans. It is also celebrated to invoke the deity, Nana Benya’s continuous protection of the state and its people.

Akwambo Festival

The people of Agona in the Central Region celebrate the festival literally meaning “path-clearing”. The Asafo companies weed footpaths leading to the streams or rivers, farms and other communal places, as well as paths, which lead to shrines. The following day, the whole community assembles at the ancestral shrines and the chief pours libation to the ancestral spirits to thank them for their protection during the previous year and then request for more blessing, abundant rainfall and good harvest for the ensuing year. At the stream or riverside where some of the sacrifices are offered, alligators and other species of fish come out to enjoy the mashed yams sprinkled on the water.


Pan-African Historic Festival is a major biennial event of cultural forum for Africans and people of African descent as well as friends of the continent committed to the noble cause of Pan Africanism.

Odwira Festival

The Odwira Festival, which is celebrated by the Denkyira people, runs for weeks, beginning at Jukwa, the traditional capital, and ends at Dunkwa-on Offin, the administrative capital. It signifies cleansing or bathing their ancestors and lesser gods. Drumming and firing of guns are done to announce the festival in the palace. There is wailing and weeping by the women amidst the firing of guns by the Asafo companies. Its significance is to remember the departed.

Fetu Afahye (Carnival)

The most attractive aspects of Ghanaian cultural life are that of the colourful traditional festivals and durbars which are frequently held in all part of the country. Festivals reveal some common features, during these festivals; the people remember there past leaders and pray for help and protection. Festivals are also held in order to purify the whole state so that the people can enter the New Year with confidence and hope.

Okyir Festival

Okyir is the major festival celebrated by the people of Anomabu. It is celebrated as a sign of cleansing or purification of the town from filth, evil spirits etc.

Odunkwaa Festival

This is a week-long festival which starts on Easter Monday. The festival has two venues: Abakrampa, the seat of the traditional area and Abura Dunkwa, the administrative capital. Rituals are performed near the state shrine. The festival is characterized by the fencing of the Odum Tree which is regarded as sacred, and believed to have protected the people from attacks during their wars.

Nyeyi and Tuakron

The Komenda-Nyeyi festival is celebrated in honour of departed heroes and heroines for their great contribution to the various traditional areas and the “Tuakron”, meaning settling on new lands is celebrated

Date Created : 10/6/2023 12:00:00 AM