Relevant Data

Location and Size:

The Sawla-Tuna- Kalba District is a young one carved out of the then Bole District in 2004. Indeed, the District is one of the twenty-eight (28) newly create d districts in addition to the existing one-hundred and ten (110) districts. As one of the eighteen (18) districts in the Northern Region, the district is located in the western part of the Northern Region, between latitudes 8 40o and 9 40 o North and longitudes 1 o 50’and 2 o 45 o West. The District shares common boundaries with Wa West District and Wa East to the North, Bole District to the South, West Gonja District to the East and La Cote d’ Ivoire and Burkina Faso to the West.

It has a total land area of about 4,601 square kilometers out of the total area of 74,984 kilometers of the Northern Region, representing six point fourteen percent (6.14%) of the total landmass of the Northern Region. Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District capital (Sawla) is about 189 kilometers North West to Tamale, the Regional capital in the Republic of Ghana.

Topology and Drainage

The topography of the District is generally flat with some few areas having diversity of patterns in terms of land height. The drainage system of the district is like most rural and Savanna areas. Streams, dams and dugouts are the major sources of water to the human beings and animals. Most of these sources of water dry up during the dry season.

Climate and Vegetation

The climate of the District is the tropical continental type. There is only one rainy season in a year, which occurs between early May and late October. The highest rainfall is experienced between July and September. The monthly main rainfall ranges between 200 mm and 300 mm. The period between November and April is the dry season. This season is characterized by the cold harmattain winds and warm periods.

The predominant vegetation found in the District is just like any other part of the Northern Region. It is mainly Guinea savanna woodland with wide spread of the trees. Some of the common trees found in the District are sheanut, dawadawa, teak, kapok and mango.

Geology and Soil

The District is composed of soils varied nature, occurring in complex associations. The predominant soil types found in the District are light textured surface horizons in which sandy loans and loans are common. Many soils contain abundant course material either gravel or stone which adversely affect their physical properties particularly their water holding capacity. The soil is generally very fertile for agricultural cultivation.


Date Created : 11/30/2017 5:38:49 AM