
The South Dayi District Assembly was established by Legislative Instrument No. 1753 of 2004. For purposes of Local government, the Assembly’s area of jurisdiction is constituted into one constituency, twelve electoral areas, Two Councils and units. South Dayi District Assembly has a membership of Twenty made up of the following.
a)    The District Chief Executive,
b)    Twelve elected representatives,
c)    The Member of Parliament
d)    Six other persons appointed by the President in consultation with the traditional authorities and other interest groups.
The District Assembly is the highest political and administrative authority in the district as per the provision of the Local Government Act 1993,

Act 462 and Legislative Instrument 1753 of 2004. It has deliberative, legislative and executive authority and is charged with the responsibility for the total development of the district. By virtue of the National Development Planning System Act (Act 480) the South Dayi District Assembly is the Planning Authority for the district. The Assembly elects a Presiding Member who presides over the meetings of the General Assembly for a two year term. The South Dayi District Assembly function through the Executive Committee chaired by the District Chief Executive. In compliance with the provisions of section 24 (1) of the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462) the Executive Committee is supported by five mandatory Sub-Committees as follows

a)    Development Planning Sub-Committee
b)    Finance and Administration Sub- Committee
c)    Justice and Security Sub-Committee
d)    Works Sub-Committee
e)    Public Relations and Complaints Sub-committee

Apart from these statutory committees, the Assembly is authorised to constitute other Committees as its deems necessary and in line with this, the Assembly, constituted the following additional Sub-Committees:-

The District Security Committee - DISEC
The District Tender Committee
The District Tender Review Board
The Local Government Law Act 462; provides for the establishment of Eleven (11) % decentralised departments under the Assembly. The Departments are the implementation wings of the Assembly. The full compliments of departments under the District Assembly are:

Sub-Structures of the Assembly:

The Assembly is a relatively small one with only two (2) Sub-Districts viz the Peki Town Council with headquarters at Peki Avetile and the Tongor Kpaiirne Area Council with its headquarters at Tongor Tsanakpe.

The Peki Town Council is an urban area formed out of a conurbation of the seven Peki sub-townships. The Council area is relatively better serviced with various facilities especially educational institutions from the basic level to the tertiary level. The area has reliable pipe-borne water supply from the Kpeve mains and is connected to the national electricity grid. It also has a Government hospital.

The Tongor Area Council consists of a number of smaller communities. The area has a good network of roads but which require maintenance and upgrading. Electricity from the national grid is connected to most of the communities. The Council is home to the most vibrant market in the Assembly area, that is, the Dzemeni market.

The two Sub-Districts are functional but require support to be able to deliver their functions. The two Sub-Districts require the construction of permanent offices. The issue of the recruitment and retention of qualified staff also needs to be addressed.

Traditional Authority

Traditional Authority in the district is vested in the Chieftaincy Institution, which is very  much respected in the district. The sphere of influence of Chiefs in South Day presents a potential force for the mobilization of people for development because they serve as unifying factors around which the communities rally for self-help initiatives. The Peki traditional Council has its offices at Blengo Peki.  All other towns have their
own chiefs.

Staffing Position of South Dayi assembly

Being a new District Assembly, South Dayi is yet to get its full compliment of staff required to function properly; most of the Departments are yet to have their offices established


Date Created : 11/23/2017 4:47:47 AM