
Since rural development has become the focus of the National Government and international community, the role of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have become very important in rural development.  This is because the burden of rural development in terms of financial inputs, manpower requirement and other logistical support cannot be provided by the Government alone. The NGOs are therefore seen as playing complementing roles of Government effort in the local communities.

It is a fact that, without the presence of NGOs in certain communities, these communities would never have seen any development activities in those areas.  The activities of NGOs are however very limited in the District.  Some of the NGOs present in the District are IBIS West Africa and Enterprising Women in Development (EWD). They are mainly involved in the provision of education and health facilities.


Postep-Gh helps in the educating in HIV/AIDS programmes, micro credit as well as training, care and support to the people.

Ewid:- serves as assistance in the promoting of girls child education, advocacy in good governance and helps in reducing poverty among women, by introducing them into vocational skills training to generate meoure of their own.

Towodep:- helps in the provision of education, employable skill as well as HIV/AIDS campaign in the remote areas.  Whiles Ibis Gh targeted at the education of children between the age of 6 to 15 living in the deprived areas of the northern region. Inundering Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Assembly from this they also targets at teachers and headmasters as the help in dialoging and community education as well as capacity building in order to ensure pastime changes in the lives of the people Ibis (EfE).

The general idea is to improve performance, good governance and accountability through partnership with state and non-state actors in the following strategic areas of intervention:

  1. Reaching out of school children with literacy and numeric programmes
  2. Improving quality education through focus on teacher empowerment
  3. Improving educational opportunities, particularly for girls and young women
  4. Applying teaching in emergency model to the refugee situation Ghana

The development objective of the EfE programme reads: Improving the right to and quality of education in deprived areas of Ghana, with special focus on girls’ education; increasing performance, accountability and governance of the education system at local and national level.

However, the practices of some few NGOs who do not inform the District Assembly of their operation creates much difficulty in Co-ordinating and integrating their activities to avoid duplication and waste of scarce resources. This type of attitude can polarise development and affect the total development of the whole District.




Date Created : 11/18/2017 8:36:20 AM