

Following the analysis of the current situation of the district, key issues identified in chapter one were subjected to the analysis of the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges of the district in respect of GPSR II. This was done to help in the prioritization process. The table below presents the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges of the District in line with the pillars of the GPRS II.

   Financial Institutions

Financial Services

In terms of financial services, the district performs very little of it. There is only one rural bank agency in the district which is located in Fielmuo. This agency is however supervised by the Nandom Rural Bank, which is located outside the district. The absence of a bank especially in Gwollu affects payment of salaries since workers have to travel outside the district to receive salaries. This calls for the establishment of a bank in the district. There are few non-banking services such as susu groups in the district.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:49:18 AM