


Implementation is the execution of planned activities to achieve set objectives.  Current government policies on decentralization indicate that Metropolitan, Municipal, District Assemblies, as Planning Authorities are fully responsible for the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and projects (Act 462). This means that the Kintampo North Municipal Assembly together with all its departments and agencies has primary responsibility for the plan implementation and assessment of project impacts.  This responsibility of the Assembly will be led by the Municipal Planning Coordinating Unit (MPCU), which will have frontline responsibility for the coordination of plan implementation.  This effort will be supported by the Regional Planning Coordinating Unit, financiers of activities and relevant bodies.


Annual action plan

Annual action plan for the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 are contained herewith.  These are however subject to review in line with the programmes set out in the previous chapter. The Bole District Assembly is to ensure that there is little deviation, if any.




Having analysed the Municipality problems, potentials, opportunities, constraints and challenges pertaining to prioritised development issues, there was the need to formulate developments goals, objectives and strategies which are consistent with the developmental needs and aspirations of the people of the district.  This chapter is devoted to generation of specific development activities or programmes that are anticipated to contribute to and promote the achievement of the development objectives and goals.


Composite Programme of Action

Using format provided by the NDPC guidelines on the preparation of the MMTDP, the following programme of activities have been packaged under each pillars An Agenda for Change: “Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunity for All”




This chapter of the plan document focuses on the prioritized development issues which emerged from the analysis of the district profile and the needs and aspirations of the people.  The development issues were prioritized using the following criteria:

• Issues on the Community Action Plans/Needs assessment

• Impact of poverty on the people

• Impact on generating growth

• Improving incomes and income gaps

• Improving education delivery

• Promotion of health

• Employment generating capacity

• Positive impact on the environment, water and sanitation

• Strong linkage effects on security and other sectors of the local economy

The above criteria were used in scoring and weighing the development issues in order to rank the issues in order of importance. The outcomes are presented in table 2.1.





Date Created : 11/16/2017 7:39:13 AM