
The Lambussie-Karni District is made up of two main ethnic groups. These include Sissalas and Dagaabas. Other minor ethnic groups found in the Area include: Moshi, Waalas, Akan, Wangara, Gurunshi and Fulani. The District has one Paramouncy with ten (10) Divisional and Thirteen (13) sub-divisional chiefs. The chiefs and people of the District instituted an annual Festival Known as Mefele Gbero. The maiden celebration took place on the 29th of December 2009.The festival seeks among other things to give thanks to God for good harvest and rally the people for development initiatives.


Major religions practiced in the area include: Traditional, Christian, and Islamic religions. Despite the diversity in religion and tribe, there is a peaceful coexistence amongst various tribes and religions. This makes the District relatively peaceful as there are no wide-spread chieftaincy and land disputes.


The practice of elopement in the District is becoming source of concern as the target for this cultural practice is the girl child. This situation puts the girl child education in danger as their education comes to an abrupt end.  The presence of Fulani herdsmen is source of concern to many people in the District. Even though they help in taking care of people’s cattle, their destructive activities are enormous.


Date Created : 11/15/2017 1:01:35 AM